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The Original Cranberry Relish Recipe

If you’re looking to whip up something new this Thanksgiving here is a favorite recipe from a Mazzei family friend: The Original Cranberry Relish.

The cranberry relish was made by their friend's grandmother. She used to grind the cranberries in a sausage mill (before we had food processors) and it was served only on Thanksgiving and Christmas. The relish pairs perfectly with your turkey dinner and it's great on turkey sandwiches also!


3 cups fresh cranberries, rinsed and drained

1 orange, (peel the orange with potato peeler, and then cut off the white part of the orange, and section the pieces out)

¾ cup sugar

In a food processor, put in fresh cranberries, orange peel, and orange sections.  Grind together until you have it combined

with no big pieces.  Put cranberries and orange mixture in a  bowl with sugar and stir.  Put in refrigerator and let flavors combine.      

Can be made ahead of time and kept in the refrigerator.  
