Pay Online

Visit to make a one-time payment or to make a payment via credit card or e-check.
Management Company ID: 7101
Association ID: First two values of your property account number
Please do not add spaces or dashes when entering your account number
Management Company ID: 7101
Association ID: First two values of your property account number
Please do not add spaces or dashes when entering your account number
Automatic Withdrawal

Click here to fill out a form to have your HOA dues automatically withdrawn from your bank account. Please allow up to 15 business days for setup confirmation.
**No additional fees apply**
**No additional fees apply**

Send a check to the address below using your online bill pay or with your payment coupon. Please allow 7-10 business days for mailing and processing. The check should be made payable to your association.
**No additional fees apply**
Cardinal Management Group, a RealManage Company
P.O. Box 52358
Phoenix, AZ 85072
**No additional fees apply**
Cardinal Management Group, a RealManage Company
P.O. Box 52358
Phoenix, AZ 85072
Download the Mobile App

Download the app from Google PlayTM or the App Store--Search for “Property Pay”. Register by entering your community information OR capture your community details using your mobile device’s camera. You can also make check payments using your mobile device’s camera!
Management Company ID: 7101
Management Company ID: 7101